Thursday 5 March 2009

Recognition Day...

...a day to show your appreciation to others. However, some of us find it more difficult to do so than others. SO. I decided to target my design at those who did find it more difficult in the attempt to make it easier for them...
At first I wasn't really sure who these people were, and who they would want to thank. To find this out I set up a survey. Some of the results were actually quite touching and for a moment I felt myself thinking that people were quite nice actually...until I read the rest.
An interactive postcard was my chosen approach and I toyed with the idea of forms people could fill in and forward on...but following a crit I developed the idea of puzzles instead.
I thought that the puzzles would be a good idea as they get the target audience involved...and also I like puzzles. Using a series of taglines I tried to link the idea of puzzles to recognition day. Examples of these include;
Instructions: Find the words to say *Thank You*
Instructions: Find a way to say *Thank You*
Instructions: Try to fit in the words to say *Thank You*

Anyway enough's some pictures.

This image was a dot to dot themed postcard, one the dots are joined up it spells out the word *cheers*.

This is one of those puzzles where you have a list of words and you have to try and fit them all in the spaces available...

Unlike the others this image didn't have a tagline. I did consider doing it in the style of a hangman style clue but it didn't look as good so I left it as it was.

This one was a word search that required the target audience to find the words, all of which were other way's of saying *thank you*.

And here is the idea which was developed further into a *final* resolution. This maze took me a whole day to construct so that the only path available to get from start to finish meant that when filled in it actually said *thank you*.

...and finally. The one that was uploaded. It shows the empty maze and the one filled in. I chose to do it like this following our final crits, as they thought the filled in one was more visually engaging. I have to admit I don't particularly like the maze as a visual piece, but I like the concept. I think actually having a hard copy scanned in adds a lot more to the image.

...and finally (again) I would just like to take this space to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped me during this brief.

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