Thursday 5 March 2009

How to...

...speed up a job hunt.

Thanks to the number 27 I have been allocated this task.
Pretty chuffed with it, as it has a target audience that is quite accessible. HOWEVER, since researching into it, it seems like it's going to be a pretty hefty piece of work. There is a lot to cover. And since I genuinely would like this piece of work to be able to help someone I don't want to leave half the stuff out. Plus, you know, in a few years time I might be desperate for this sort of information so it's planning ahead.
So far I've done the following things:
Identified my target audience (people looking for a job)
Set up a survey and started to collect results - to do with what tends to slow down peoples search for a job
Identified some common problems
Researched into how to write a CV and covering letter
Started to research into useful websites for people
Thought about different ways I could present the information
Thought about some of the content

I've found that if I ever want to finish this brief I am going to have to use a lot of time management skills...

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