Thursday 9 April 2009

Type and Grid - Newspaper

Here is my attempt at working out the grids for one of the local papers. It took me quite a long time to work out what kind of system they were using and I got pretty stressed out. When I'd finished though I felt that slight sense of *I know something you don't know* that Lorenzo had promised. I've began to mark out on tracing paper some of the content of the page, including information about point size and leading. I've only really gone into detail on the sections that are a bit different to the rest of the page, to try and work out what they've done. Type and grid is pretty interesting so far, although I wish the sessions were longer. As soon as I start to get into it the session is pretty much over. It's nice to have something to concentrate on for that time, it sort of takes my mind off everything else that is going on.


1 comment:

  1. nice image technique... wonder where you learnt that one! =] x
